28 Sep Plant Choices and Your Lawn
When considering reworking your landscape or starting anew, it’s important to look at your yard ‘anchors’. There are many items that can anchor your yard. This center piece can be a hardscape like a sitting area or fireplace, it can be a pool or living area, a tree or two and in many cases it will be a lawn. Oftentimes, we consider a lush, green lawn an inescapable piece of our yards but there are many cases when you can askew the lawn or even simply replace it with a low maintenance turf. New age turfs look surprisingly attractive and cut down on the water and maintenance bills.
Other terrific ways to make your yard both beautiful and water-wise are to include rocks and stepping stones surrounded by drought tolerant plants or fruit rearing gardens. The idea of a bird and butterfly garden filled with blooming sages, water-wise succulents or fruit trees can create a fresh and interesting garden that sets you apart from our classic green lawn and ficus tree yards.
Also, we can create beautiful sitting areas and walls to provide a relaxing retreat right at home. The inclusion of bamboo or shade trees while placing container plants and perm
eable pavers will give you a multi-layered, multi-textured yard all year long.
An added benefit of local plants and sitting / deck areas is you can create a get away from your yard responsibilities. No lawn mowers for you. But if you do, we can always help with that aspect as well, just ask about our maintenance services!