Fall Focus

Fall Focus

With the long hot summer behind us and some of our gardenĀ  looking a little tired, it is a good time of year to assess the bones of your gardens and outdoor spaces. While your outdoor spaces are fresh in your mind from a season of outdoor living, and the sense of what you enjoy and works and ideas about what needs improving are mulling about in your head, make decisions now that will result in an improved outdoor experience next summer.

Ask yourself if your yard has a cohesive design plan with hardscape and softscape areas that offer you the functionality you need and the desires you want in your yard. If not, you can take steps now that will make your yard work better for you next summer or extend its use into the Fall season.

There are many fun and functional things you can do to update and invigorate your environment. Think green and consider making water conservation a top priority in your landscape design choices. Water recycling and conservation is not just trendy, as the cost of metered water rises, it is a practical necessity.

RAIN HARVESTING – Fall is a good time to plan ahead to harvest valuable rainfall from your roof as an easy secondary water sourcerain-harvest for irrigation. Rain barrels are a great recycling tool that can help make the most of every drop of precious water in your yard and gardens.

There are a variety of rain collection systems on the market, from rain barrels and cisterns to below grade non-visible storage tanks. We would be happy to help you design and select a system that is functional and best suited to your needs.

POROUS PAVERS – Think about replacing large areas of concrete hardscapes with more water friendly materials such as porous pavers for patios, paths, and driveways. Permeable pavers allow water to percolate thru to the ground below and replenish our underground aquafiers rather than running off into our storm drains. 100% permeable interlocking pavers or stones, flagstone or other large pavers set in rock or gravel, bricks set in sand, or decomposed granite are good choices.

drought-tolerantLIMIT LAWN AREAS – Grass uses a lot of water, so keep the area small or eliminate it all together. Let us explore different options for lawn areas in narrow strips or oddly shaped areas that are difficult to irrigate and mow. Consider drought tolerant groundcovers, natives plants or more arid options. We can help design a planting plan that groups plants by water and exposure needs to improve irrigation efficiencies.

DRY CREEK BEDS are another option that are beautiful and functional as well.dry-creek-bed

ADD ACCESSORIES – How about adding some garden spheres so reminiscent of all the elements of the season from pumpkins to ornaments. They come in an array of materials, ceramic, metal, iron, earthy or bright and in a variety of sizes. Whether they sit atop a lawn or are hidden among grasses in the garden. Singularly or in groups. There are some lighted varieties as well that do double duty. They add an element of fun and beauty.