In Seed Time Learn, In Harvest Teach, In Winter Enjoy…

In Seed Time Learn, In Harvest Teach, In Winter Enjoy…

February will require us to perform the balancing act of having one foot in winter and the other stepping ahead to Spring. We will continue with some of the winter pruning and storm clean up and drainage chores started in January while preparing for the spring garden party that’s right around the corner.  We will be feeding roses and acid loving plants such as Azaleas, Camellias, Gardenias etc, and lawns as they awake from their winter nap. In an effort to be proactive with Spring weeds in your lawn, we will also recommend the application of a pre-emergeant weed control that will reduce or eliminate the germination of weeds in the Spring.

Lawn Aerations

Regardless of how wet our winter will be, lawn aeration is an important part of quality lawn care and should be done at least annually in areas that have clay soil which is predominate in this area. This service will help your lawn thrive and resist weed growth and other pests as well as to use less water.

Drain Issues

Having issues with the seasonal rains?  It makes sense to be prepared for any potential storms. The photo below is a fairly common site and as you might guess, a drain line filled with roots is far less efficient than a clear line!